Project Management

Integrating Supply Chain Management into Manufacturing Projects: A Strategic Approach

Effective supply chain management (SCM) is essential for the success of any manufacturing project. As organizations push for more streamlined operations and higher levels of efficiency, the integration of SCM into manufacturing projects becomes increasingly critical. SCM plays a pivotal role in ensuring that products are delivered on time, resources are efficiently allocated, and costs […]

Integrating Supply Chain Management into Manufacturing Projects: A Strategic Approach Read More »

Letter blocks spelling out the word "SCOPE"

Managing Project Scope Creep Effectively: A Guide for Project Managers

In the fast-paced world of project management, scope creep is a challenge that even the most experienced professionals encounter. Scope creep refers to the gradual expansion of a project’s original objectives without corresponding adjustments to time, budget, or resources. It often begins with seemingly small changes that accumulate over time, leading to missed deadlines, overrun

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Angela Thurman, ThurmanCo, Project Management, PMI

An Introduction to the Project Management Institute (PMI)

The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a nonprofit organization for project management professionals with members worldwide. Founded in 1969, it has grown to become the world’s leading association for project management. The PMI has over 3 million members and has issued its respected credentials to members in over 185 countries. In 1969, months of conversation

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Angela Thurman, ThurmanCo, Project Management, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management

What is “Green” Supply Chain Management?

Green supply chain management – GSCM – integrates environmentally sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. It includes the design, production, delivery, and disposal of goods. “Green” is a common term for eco-friendly strategies and initiatives to minimize adverse environmental impacts. Both production and distribution of goods cover many activities leading to these potential negative impacts,

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The benefits of formally implementing an ERP system

  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate all business management functions within a single platform, providing the real-time capability of seeing what is happening within the organization. With a wide-ranging scope, careful and thoughtful implementation is key to success.  As time progresses, the importance of ERP systems will only continue to grow. An ERP system

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What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and why is it important?

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a set of technologies that allows the network of physical objects—“things”— to connect and exchange data with other physical objects over the Internet. These devices are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that get the job done. IoT devices range from

What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and why is it important? Read More »

15 Essential Skills Every Project Manager Needs

Successful project managers integrate multiple skills and abilities to bring a project from concept to completion. When a project management position is your goal, developing these skills can positively impact your current work while helping you build for the future. Good communication skills allow project managers to share their vision, ideas, and goals. They must

15 Essential Skills Every Project Manager Needs Read More »